
Adultcams69.com is a totally free cam site and is free to use by anyone with a only condition you need to be at least 18 years old , if you don't are 18 years old yet we are kingly asking you to leave this site and turn back when you'll have the legal age ! This is an adult website and you need to know that means sexual explicit scenes some of them can go foward and can be real hardcore ones , so is not reccomended to surf this website if you are not ok with this !

This is a normal adult website and we need to know that we have tolerance for chield and pedophiles , if you'll try to break this rule you'll be imediatly banned and we will contact the autorities from your country !

You are directly responsive for any information you'll share with other persons meet on this website , AdultCams69.com is not responsive and not offer any support outside this website and is not our fault if something happen to you if you choose to share your personal info with other people from here !

Your are not allowed to record any person live here and use the pictures/videos for any form of harassment or offensive behavior , you are not even allowed to have a dirty language on our website for that we can choose to close your account in any moment !

AdultCams69.com is free to use at no charge website , if you choose to buy tokens (which is our virtual currency) first you need to know that we are using a secure server and your credit card informations are safe with us , but is only your choice to buy tokens or not , no one from this website will ever ask you money , so if you dedice to buy tokens the is totally your choice how to use them and who to tip and you need to know once you'll tip a performer you can't get your tokens back !


Your privacy is very important to us , and you need to know that we may collect the following informations from you :

-If you choose to be member on our site we may ask you a nickname , your email address (is optional) and a password

-We are tracking your location , when you access our site we detect your IP and will know your location , if you want to keep it hide you can use a prosy for that !

-Cookies , we plant cookies on your browser, if the browser allows that, to improve your experience on our site and keep you logged on our site !

Your date is safe with us we and your online safety is very important for us !

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